
Lab 1
My first Lab assignment. Very bare-bones. HTML basics were learned.
Pictures and Links to "My Life" and "Superhero" were added the basic HTML.
Styling and CSS were added to the third lab.
This lab was created on Webflow with links to my EWU Student Webspace
These were the images I used on Labs 1-4


This project was made through the CodeCademy site.
The second Code project used a different site arrangement
Link to Code Project 3

Reading Projects

Reading Project 1 involved the creation of a Letterhead.
For the second reading project we made a poster in Indesign
In this project we made a Newsletter in Id.
For this project we made a pamphlet. There were a few issues with ID Version compatibility.
This project involved multi-platform publishing for html and an interactive pdf
Link to Reading Project 8


This is an interactive version of the Three Musketeers complete with buttons.
Link to Lab 9
Link to Lab 10


Link to Letterhead
Link to Business Card
Link to Brochure
Link to Envelope9
Link to Web Mock-up
Link to Presentation